Placing my bet on Cranfield – studying a Design MSc
Elodie Aubanel2017-12-01T15:48:21+00:0001/12/2017|Tags: alumni, centre for competitive creative design, creativity, design, design thinking, innovation, intranet|
Three years ago, close to starting my last year of a Food and Health Engineering diploma in France, I started to Google potential alternative options for how to finish my course. I was driven by ...
Life as a Cranfield University C4D student
Amy Xie2017-11-21T13:20:44+00:0021/11/2017|
“Are you going to be an artist?” This is what my family and colleagues asked me when I told them I was going to study design. After nearly five years of marketing, communications and consumer ...
Helping circular economy business leaders see beyond their own time
Angela Nahikian2017-07-06T09:02:03+01:0006/07/2017|Tags: business leaders, business models, circular economy, circular economy msc|
"The eyes of the future are looking back at us and they are praying for us to see beyond our own time." - T.T. Williams The quote resonates. The eyes of the future are upon ...
How circular economy thinking and learning is essential for business
Nick Liddell2017-06-23T10:47:18+01:0023/06/2017|Tags: circular economy, Ellen MacArthur Foundation|
The circular economy is your biggest challenge and your biggest opportunity. Celebrated as a catalyst for disruptive innovation, it can still result in nothing more imaginative than recycling initiatives. Businesses in industries with recyclable materials ...
What makes Cranfield an ideal place to dive deep into the circular economy?
Raffaella Villa2022-06-27T08:58:51+01:0030/03/2017|Tags: circular economy, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, transformational solutions|
The answer may be simple; coffee capsules. Halo Coffee, supported by Cranfield University, have developed the world’s first fully compostable capsule. No longer must we wait 200 years for our coffee capsules to degrade; instead, ...
Design and defence acquisition – the missing piece of the jigsaw
Dr Michael Pryce2017-02-06T17:07:21+00:0006/02/2017|Tags: cranfield defence and security, defence acquisition, Harrier, Ralph Hooper|
Reports in the Sunday Times and other newspapers this weekend have highlighted a number of familiar issues in defence acquisition. Tales of gold plated requirements, service chiefs ‘gaming’ the system to get preferred projects funded, ...