My thesis experience on saving the oceans using AI – My Cranfield MSc
Cranfield University2022-01-20T16:53:11+00:0001/10/2021|Tags: aerospace, engineering, research, thesis|
Welcome back to my next blog post! I will tell you about my 80 credit, three month long thesis, which is the final part of the Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering (CSTE) MSc. The ...
My experience of doing my Astronautics and Space Engineering MSc thesis at a Spanish space company
Cranfield University2021-11-19T15:22:41+00:0027/09/2021|Tags: msc, space engineering|
During this blog post I will provide you with a good idea on the outcomes, expectations, and deliverables of the Individual Research Project (IRP). I will briefly cover how to deal with project management necessary ...
My flight experience: an unforgettable and rewarding experience
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:34:44+01:0020/07/2021|Tags: aerospace|
My background is in safety and human factors in aviation. I had learnt a lot about the physiological and psychological characteristics of pilots and the importance of human-centred design in my previous classes, but this ...
My Cranfield MSc; Aerospace Dynamics MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:35:10+01:0020/07/2021|Tags: aerospace|
Hello, my name is Begoña Diez, I am from Spain and I have recently finished my MSc in Aerospace Dynamics. This course has greatly enhanced my knowledge in aerodynamics and flight dynamics and I’d like ...
My advice for undergraduate students on how to develop technical and soft skills
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:37:06+01:0015/07/2021|Tags: astronautics, engineering, space, space engineering|
Building relevant technical skills throughout university and through work experience are essential when entering the aerospace industry. These skills include; programming and coding, computer programming languages such as Python, C++, C and Java are useful ...
My Cranfield MSc: Robotics MSc – my group project experience
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:38:59+01:0007/07/2021|Tags: aerospace|
Hello! My name is Angelos Dimakos, and I am from Greece. I am currently studying for an MSc in Robotics at Cranfield University. I am also the Course Representative for this course. During this blog, ...