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Homepage / Navigating the flow: My MSc journey in CFD

Navigating the flow: My MSc journey in CFD


Greetings! I’m Akintunde Akinneye, and I’m on the cusp of graduating with a Master of Science in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) from Cranfield University in September 2024.

CFD is a powerful field that leverages computational power to simulate fluid behaviour. This technology underpins the design of everything from cutting-edge aircraft to sustainable wind turbines.

Why I chose Cranfield

My interest in Cranfield University blossomed during my undergraduate studies. A pivotal influence was my thermofluids professor, a Cranfield PhD alumnus. This and my burgeoning fascination with CFD explored in my final year project made Cranfield’s programme an obvious choice. The University’s rich history and exceptional facilities solidified my decision.

The MSc programme has been both intellectually stimulating and professionally rewarding. It has significantly honed my research skills. A particularly memorable highlight was participating in a demonstration flight on a SAAB-340 aircraft. Experiencing flight manoeuvres through the lens of CFD was truly unparalleled. The group project also stands out as a formative experience, allowing me to witness first hand how CFD tackles real-world challenges within the aviation industry.

“A couple of days later, I was going through the Cranfield website and was impressed with the history and facilities then I stumbled on the course webpage and I was sold; this was in 2019 so it has been a long time coming.

The dynamic of campus life has certainly evolved since completing the taught modules. Back then, my days were filled with classes followed by active social engagement with fellow students. Cranfield fosters a strong sense of community, and forming friendships was effortless.

Currently, immersed in my Individual Research Project (IRP), my days involve utilising the library resources, collaborating with peers, and unwinding at the CSA.

Upon graduation, I aspire to secure a research and development position where I can leverage CFD tools to design more efficient systems with minimal or zero carbon footprints. While aerospace is my primary area of interest, I’m also open to exploring opportunities within the energy sector. Long-term, I envision transitioning into management consulting and ultimately, after retirement, indulging in a life of continued CFD exploration (perhaps even venturing into filmmaking!).  The possibility of pursuing a PhD remains on the horizon.

Advice for aspiring CFD professionals

For those drawn to the field of CFD, a strong foundation in fundamental principles is paramount. It’s easy to get swept away by the complexities of the math, but it’s crucial to remember that the core objective is to model real-world phenomena and derive accurate predictions.

Don’t be daunted by the initial challenges – CFD is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace continuous learning and a spirit of exploration.

Akintunde Akinneye

Written By: Poonam Maini

Computational Fluid Dynamics MSc (2024)

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