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Homepage / A celebration of life and Computational Fluid Dynamics

A celebration of life and Computational Fluid Dynamics


On Friday 28 June 2024, our Aerospace Integration Research Centre (AIRC) held a special afternoon event in memory of Stephen Billett, a cherished alumnus of the very first cohort of our MSc in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) programme.

The event brought together academics and students from Cranfield, as well as guest speakers from Cambridge University and the University of Trento, Italy. It was a sombre yet heart-warming occasion that paid tribute to Stephen’s legacy while showcasing the vast and ever-evolving world of CFD applications.

A look back and a look forward

The afternoon unfolded with a series of captivating talks from guest speakers. Those present were treated to insights into how CFD is being utilised to tackle some of today’s most pressing scientific challenges. One such talk explored the application of CFD in the development of clean fusion energy, a potential game-changer in the quest for sustainable power generation.

The event also took a more whimsical turn, with a presentation that employed mathematics to explore the feasibility of a Jules Verne-inspired supergun, a fantastical contraption designed to propel a capsule to the moon. This unique perspective highlighted the versatility of applied mathematics.

Closing the loop: Generations of CFD minds convene

The Stephen Billett memorial event served as a poignant reminder of the programme’s remarkable journey. By uniting academics and students from various stages of their careers, it beautifully illustrated the enduring impact of the CFD programme at Cranfield. The presence of speakers from prestigious institutions like Cambridge and Trento further solidified the programme’s standing at the forefront of CFD education.

The afternoon’s events offered a fitting tribute to Stephen Billett’s memory. It was a celebration of his decision to be part of that inaugural CFD cohort, and a testament to the programme’s lasting influence on generations of aspiring CFD experts.

A legacy of growth: From a spark to a global force in CFD education

From a humble beginning with just six students in its first cohort, the CFD course at Cranfield has blossomed into a programme that boasts hundreds of alumni making their mark across the globe. These graduates contribute their expertise in a multitude of settings, from academic research to cutting-edge industrial applications. The programme itself continues to adapt, ensuring its curriculum stays relevant to the ever-changing needs of students, research, and industry. This commitment to constant evolution ensures the CFD programme remains an incredibly robust option for anyone seeking to apply their CFD knowledge across a diverse range of sectors, from the automotive industry to the furthest reaches of space exploration.

Cranfield University

Written By: Violeta da Rold

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