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Homepage / Academic English is no-one’s first language!

Academic English is no-one’s first language!


Did you know we offer support for students who would like to improve their written and spoken communication to a postgraduate level?

Our team of tutors are here to help you develop your academic skills and can help you with a wide range of topics, including presentation and debating skills, how to critically engage with sources, how to read journal articles, and writing skills and more specifically, writing your thesis. Our sessions are suitable for everyone, whether you are a taught or research student, a first or second language speaker, and whether you want a skills refresher or a simple confidence boost.

Check out the range of online and in-person support options provided free, including interactive small group workshops, 1-2-1 tutorial appointments, and drop-in services in Kings Norton Library and the School of Management Library. Visit the Academic English support page to find out more, browse our range of upcoming workshops, or email

There is also a collection of interactive learning resources available on our Study Skills Hub if you would prefer some self-paced online learning.

Joanne Holden

Written By: Karyn Meaden-Pratt

Joanne is an Academic Skills Tutor, specialising in English for Academic Purposes.

Karyn is the Library Communications Manager and University Archivist.

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