Researching… global macroeconomics
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T11:00:47+00:0003/03/2023|Tags: country information, FitchConnect, gme, macroeconomics, mirc, passport, SOMLibrary, statista, ukds, web-mirc-economics|
In the School of Management Library at this time of year we are asked lots of questions on where to start researching a country and its economy. Here are some hints and tips on how ...
Introducing… Statista
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T18:56:21+00:0026/07/2022|Tags: barrington, data, knl, macroeconomics, mirc, SOMLibrary, statista, web-mirc-economics, web-mirc-industry|
You spoke and we listened! In response to requests from both staff and students, particularly within the School of Management, we are very pleased to announce that you can now access Statista via our website! ...
Introducing… Bloomberg Trade Flows
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T19:41:29+00:0025/10/2018|Tags: Bloomberg, exports, gme, imports, international trade, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-economics|
Are you interested in world trade flows? Would it be useful to know which nations are your country's major trade partners? If so, the Bloomberg terminal has a rather nifty function where you can view ...
Introducing… EconBiz – Economic Literature Portal
Mary Betts-Gray2024-02-09T16:47:42+00:0016/12/2016|Tags: databases, econbiz, economics, knl, management, mirc, muscat, open access, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-economics|
Cranfield University has become the first university in the UK to join the international EconBiz partner network! EconBiz is a search portal for economics and business studies. It offers students and researchers: a targeted literature search across important ...