My Cranfield experience so far
Lauren Owers2022-08-18T10:25:16+01:0010/08/2022|Tags: advanced mechanical engineering, cranfield university, energy and power, life on campus, thesis|
We asked Moses a few questions about his time at Cranfield so far... Why did you choose to come to Cranfield? Cranfield University is one of the most reputable universities in the UK and ...
How do I reference a thesis… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T15:00:27+00:0012/07/2022|Tags: APA7, barrington, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary, thesis|
Many of you will be using theses in your research. Although these may not have been published in the traditional sense, when you incorporate content from theses into your own work, it needs to be ...
My thesis experience on saving the oceans using AI – My Cranfield MSc
Cranfield University2022-01-20T16:53:11+00:0001/10/2021|Tags: aerospace, engineering, research, thesis|
Welcome back to my next blog post! I will tell you about my 80 credit, three month long thesis, which is the final part of the Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering (CSTE) MSc. The ...
My pursuit for green energy…
Cranfield University2021-11-19T15:22:38+00:0017/09/2021|Tags: energy industry, green economy, research, sustainability, thesis|
The pursuit of green energy is an exciting journey, which can span across exploring different alternate energy sources that help us fight against climate change, and renewables are the key to achieving net-zero emissions as ...
My viva experience
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:08:05+01:0021/01/2021|Tags: student experience, study, thesis|
One of the happiest moments of my life was when I finally submitted my PhD thesis. After 3 years of hard work, countless number of experiments, endless hours in front of my computer analyzing data, ...
Read successful Cranfield theses before you write your own
Cranfield University2023-02-20T19:33:09+00:0021/01/2020|Tags: knl, mirc, SOMLibrary, theses, thesis, Thesis Project|
Are you beginning to think about your MSc thesis, or perhaps you are working towards your PhD? We have created three brand new videos just for you! It’s always a good idea to look at ...