study tour
From Cranfield to Coca-Cola: Khushbu Tolani’s inspiring Management MSc internship journey
Tammie Argent-Peters2025-02-28T13:15:44+00:0028/02/2025|cranfield school of management | funding | internships | management msc | school of management | study tour|
Hello, I am Khushbu Tolani, a passionate and ambitious individual who recently achieved a significant milestone during my time studying at Cranfield University. I was the first in my family to study abroad and ...
The Journey, an immersive experience in cultural diversity and exploring the corporate world in a diverse setting
Lina Mitchell2023-11-21T12:46:57+00:0021/11/2023|business | cultural diversity | management | study tour | team work|
As an MSc in Management student, I am privileged to partake in a transformative academic experience, notably the one-month immersion in Spain, a cornerstone of our programme. Beyond the exceptional faculty comprising brilliant minds, the ...
Unveiling Uruguay’s Business Landscape and Cultural Tapestry – A Remarkable MBA Assignment Journey
Clare Hanson2023-07-20T09:33:20+01:0020/07/2023|cranfield school of management | cranfield university | mba | school of management | student experience | study tour|
In June 2023, our MBA students embarked on their international element of their MBA programme. The 2022/23 cohort were split into three groups and were taken to visit partner institutions in Japan, Greece and Uruguay, ...
Logistics in Thailand
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:39:36+01:0005/06/2019|logistics and supply chain management | study tour|
This afternoon we dried off, after a quick dip in the pool after lunch, to head off to SCG Logistics.We had a really interesting tour around the facility and had the opportunity to ask questions ...
The last day in Bangkok and the adventure afterwards
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:34:46+01:0022/05/2019|logistics and supply chain management | study tour|
After a nice Friday evening together enjoying the pleasures of the hotel swimming pool, we ventured into Bangkok town for our last supper in this city. Saturday morning unfolded in different ways for most of ...
Blog day 4 – closing down the circle
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:34:00+01:0022/05/2019|logistics and supply chain management | study tour|
Written by Cris Rodriguez and Dimitrios Zaires After this morning's visit to King Pac International, we have ended the day with a visit to KEWS (King Energy and Wastes Solution). Seeing what King Group does ...