safety and accident investigation
What makes the Accident Investigation course at Cranfield worth attending?
Alice Kirkaldy2021-11-25T12:54:03+00:0019/11/2021|Tags: air transport industry, crash lab, driver safety, safety and accident investigation, short course|
Recently, we have delivered another successful Accident Investigation course at Cranfield University. The Cranfield Safety and Accident Investigation Centre (CSAIC) succeeded in further developing trained investigators to contribute to making the world safer. The course was ...
‘Drones for Good’: Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) helping investigators gather evidence and prevent future accidents
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:04:09+01:0001/04/2016|Tags: air accident investigation, aviation, aviation investigation, drones, human factors, remotely piloted aircraft systems, safety and accident investigation, uavs, unmanned aerial vehicles|
Photo: DJI S1000 “Octocopter” Drone scans a demo accident site outside Martell House, Cranfield University Accident sites are often dangerous or difficult places to work. There are always hazards that will require the accident investigator to ...