How do I reference web pages… in the NLM style?
Anna Barefoot2024-02-09T15:07:17+00:0013/02/2024|Tags: barrington, knl, NLM, referencing, website|
When referencing a web page, the first thing to consider is whether your source is a web page or if it is an online resource such as a report, journal article, newspaper article or audio-visual ...
Adding documents to your Mendeley account
Angela Sparks2024-01-11T13:34:25+00:0018/01/2024|Tags: barrington, knl, mendeley, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Once you have created your Mendeley account you will want to add documents to it. There are three main ways of doing this: Drag and Drop - drag files or folders from your desktop directly into your Mendeley account. This ...
How do I reference… multiple items with the same author in APA7?
Helen Holmes2024-01-11T10:30:51+00:0005/01/2024|Tags: APA7, barrington, knl, referencing, SOMLibrary|
In previous posts and in our APA7 referencing training, we established that an in-text citation requires the insertion of the author's name and the date of the work we are citing into our own text. ...
How do I reference journal articles… in the NLM style?
Anna Barefoot2023-11-24T13:32:02+00:0001/12/2023|Tags: barrington, ejournals, journal articles, knl, NLM, referencing|
References for journal articles are one of the most used reference types for postgraduate research as these sources are frequently used in assignments. In the NLM Numbered Referencing Guide they are listed under periodicals. Periodicals ...
How do I reference a part of a book such as a chapter… in the NLM style?
Anna Barefoot2023-11-23T12:15:52+00:0022/11/2023|Tags: barrington, books, ebooks, knl, NLM, referencing|
References for parts of books can be more complicated than creating references for whole books. When you use the numbered NLM style, how to format a reference to part of a book, such as a ...
Creating a new user account in Mendeley
Angela Sparks2023-11-03T16:04:59+00:0009/11/2023|Tags: barrington, knl, mendeley, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Before you start using Mendeley reference management software, you will need to create an account. This is really simple and should take you no more than a couple of minutes. Just follow the instructions below. ...