open data
Managing and sharing research data openly
Greg Simpson2023-04-25T16:56:29+01:0003/05/2023|Tags: barrington, FAIR principles, knl, open data, rdm, SOMLibrary|
We are running a Lunch+Learn webinar, Managing and sharing data openly, on Thursday 11 May, 1-2pm. Cranfield Online Research Data (CORD) was officially launched in May 2016; since then it has grown consistently in its ...
What is a data journal and why might I publish in one?
Cranfield University2023-02-20T19:21:53+00:0001/10/2021|Tags: barrington, data, data journals, knl, mirc, open data, rdm, research data, research data management, SOMLibrary|
Data journals are publications whose primary purpose is to expose datasets. They enable the author to focus on the data itself, rather than producing an extensive analysis of the data which occurs in the traditional ...
Addressing the FAIR data principles when managing research data
Cranfield University2023-02-20T19:32:00+00:0026/02/2020|Tags: barrington, FAIR data, knl, mirc, open data, rdm, research data management, SOMLibrary|
In the context of open science the goal of many research funders is that the research data from funded projects are deposited as open data in a digital repository, e.g. CORD FAIR is an acronym ...
CORD and collaboration – dataset discovery
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:41:31+00:0027/10/2016|Tags: barrington, data sharing, knl, mirc, open data, rdm, repositories, research data management, SOMLibrary|
With the launch of CORD (Cranfield Online Research Data) in May 2016, Cranfield University has begun making its research data outputs available as widely as possible, (where commercial, legal, and ethical factors allow). This is a ...
Choosing a licence for your data
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:42:48+00:0002/09/2016|Tags: barrington, cord, creative commons, gpl, knl, licence, licensing, mirc, open data, rdm, research data management, software, SOMLibrary|
When you deposit data on a repository, you will need to assign the right licence to it. This determines what others can and can't do with your data, so it's important that it is appropriate ...