Finding industry profiles in Library resources
Karen Stokes2023-06-12T16:34:43+01:0012/06/2023|Tags: dmda, ecbs, FitchConnect, ibisworld, industries, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
When researching an industry; its size, value and performance; competitors, brands and trends in the market etc., we recommend having a look at the following services. These can all be accessed via the SOM Library's ...
Register for a British Library Reader’s Pass
Angela Sparks2024-03-26T14:15:06+00:0009/06/2023|Tags: british library, CranfieldSOM, mirc, research, SOMLibrary|
The British Library (in Euston, London) is open to students and researchers who wish to use its world-class collections and resources. To do this, you need to register for a reader's pass. Begin by following ...
Introducing… Sage Research Methods
Karen Stokes2023-05-18T14:12:13+01:0019/05/2023|Tags: mirc, research, research methods, researchers, sage research methods, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-research|
Starting your thesis or research project? Struggling with your research methodology? Once you decide what data you need to collect for your project, you need to research the best techniques to collate and analyse it. Your ...
Secondary referencing – citing something when you haven’t read the original… in the APA7 style
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T14:54:53+00:0009/05/2023|Tags: APA7, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
So, you're doing some research and you come across a really great quotation. You want to use it in your own text but there's a problem. The quotation is not from the author(s) of this article, but rather from ...
British Library service EThOS provides easy access to full-text doctoral theses
Karen Stokes2023-04-21T16:33:03+01:0024/04/2023|Tags: british library, ethos, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary, theses|
Anyone looking to access doctoral theses will be interested in EThOS from the British Library. EThOS is the UK’s national thesis service and to this date (April 2023) it holds details for over 600,000 theses ...
A beginner’s guide to sourcing a company beta
Tracey Nunn2023-04-14T14:26:23+01:0018/04/2023|Tags: beta, Bloomberg, capitaliq, factiva, fame, mirc, risk, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Beta is the measurement of a company’s common stock price volatility relative to the market. If you’re trying to find a current beta for a company there are a number of places to look. These ...