3,000th paper written by our School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing academics added to CERES!
Emma Turner2024-05-16T16:03:20+01:0024/01/2022|Tags: apc, barrington, ceres, knl, mirc, open access, read and publish deals, SOMLibrary|
Wow, what a milestone! We are very proud to announce that our Open Access Team has just added the 3,000th paper produced by our School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing (SATM) academics to CERES, our ...
Company codes – CUSIP, SEDOL, ISIN…. What do they mean and how can you use them in our resources?
Tracey Nunn2023-12-15T12:28:39+00:0021/01/2022|Tags: Bloomberg, capitaliq, company financials, datastream, EIKON, fame, financials, mirc, sdc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
As you use our many finance resources you will probably notice unique company identifiers which may be codes or symbols. It is worth spending some time getting to know what these are and which resources ...
Your essential guide to the six Creative Commons licenses
Emma Turner2023-02-20T19:19:54+00:0020/01/2022|Tags: barrington, creative commons, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary|
Have you ever noticed the Creative Commons (CC) logo on a publication and wondered what it means? Perhaps you’ve been asked to choose a Creative Commons license by a publisher, but haven’t been sure about ...
New ‘Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism’ module for students using the APA7 Author-Date style
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2023-02-20T19:20:33+00:0010/01/2022|Tags: barrington, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
We have created a new ‘Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism’ module for 2021/22 onwards to provide support for students using the APA7 Author-Date style. If this is you, you can refer to this module for guidance on ...
Using paraphrasing in academic writing
Karen Stokes2024-11-19T16:57:46+00:0026/10/2021|Tags: academic writing, APA7, barrington, harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, paraphrasing, referencing, SOMLibrary, writing|
If you're writing a paper or assignment, you’ll soon realise that there are many rules to citing and referencing. Following our recent post on using quotations in your academic writing, here we aim to answer some ...
What is a data journal and why might I publish in one?
Cranfield University2023-02-20T19:21:53+00:0001/10/2021|Tags: barrington, data, data journals, knl, mirc, open data, rdm, research data, research data management, SOMLibrary|
Data journals are publications whose primary purpose is to expose datasets. They enable the author to focus on the data itself, rather than producing an extensive analysis of the data which occurs in the traditional ...