Introducing… ProQuest One Business
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T18:55:02+00:0001/09/2022|Tags: abi/inform, barrington, ejournals, journal articles, knl, mirc, proquest, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-articles|
Have you had a look at ProQuest One Business yet? No? Go on, login. We would highly recommend it! This new service has been designed as not just a journal database, but also as a ...
How do I reference Facebook and Twitter… in the APA7 style?
Angela Sparks2023-10-31T14:58:40+00:0025/08/2022|Tags: APA7, barrington, facebook, knl, mirc, referencing, social media, SOMLibrary, twitter|
All types of media are covered by the APA7 referencing guide, and you may find useful information via social media that you want to use in a piece of academic work. It might be a ...
How do I reference my lecture notes… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T14:59:44+00:0005/08/2022|Tags: APA7, barrington, knl, lecture notes, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
So you want to use an example from your lecture notes in your assignment? You might want to reuse a diagram or infographic that your tutor has created - or just replicate some text from ...
Introducing… Statista
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T18:56:21+00:0026/07/2022|Tags: barrington, data, knl, macroeconomics, mirc, SOMLibrary, statista, web-mirc-economics, web-mirc-industry|
You spoke and we listened! In response to requests from both staff and students, particularly within the School of Management, we are very pleased to announce that you can now access Statista via our website! ...
Reminder: UKRI’s new data availability policy
Greg Simpson2023-02-20T18:56:31+00:0019/07/2022|Tags: barrington, data availability statement, knl, mirc, rdm, research data management, SOMLibrary|
From 1 April 2022, anyone receiving UKRI funding is required to include a Data Access Statement to in-scope research articles , even where there are no data associated with the article or the data are ...
How do I reference a thesis… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T15:00:27+00:0012/07/2022|Tags: APA7, barrington, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary, thesis|
Many of you will be using theses in your research. Although these may not have been published in the traditional sense, when you incorporate content from theses into your own work, it needs to be ...