From Cranfield to Coca-Cola: Khushbu Tolani’s inspiring Management MSc internship journey
Tammie Argent-Peters2025-02-28T13:15:44+00:0028/02/2025|Tags: cranfield school of management, funding, internships, management msc, school of management, study tour|
Hello, I am Khushbu Tolani, a passionate and ambitious individual who recently achieved a significant milestone during my time studying at Cranfield University. I was the first in my family to study abroad and ...
Moving with the times: The ‘new-look’ Cranfield Management MSc
Tammie Argent-Peters2025-02-13T12:06:22+00:0013/02/2025|Tags: “Cranfield”, cranfield rankings, cranfield school of management, Human Resource Management, internships, management, Management and Corporate Sustainability MSc, Management and Entrepreneurship MSc, Reasons for choosing Cranfield, student study tours|
For more than a decade, the Cranfield Management MSc has been at the forefront of management education worldwide. Ranked best Management MSc in the UK for value for money and international student experience by ...
Securing an internship with a globally recognised brand
Tammie Argent-Peters2024-11-29T10:32:20+00:0029/11/2024|Tags: coca cola enterprises, cranfield school of management, cranfield university, internships, management msc, postgraduate, student study tours, study tours, sustainability|
I recently completed my MSc in Management at Cranfield School of Management, an institution renowned for its exceptional faculty and world-class resources. As a 24-year-old student coming from India, I chose Cranfield because of its ...
Santander Universities supporting postgraduate education at Cranfield University
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:43:15+01:0015/03/2017|Tags: Cranfield funding, entrepreneurship, internships, mobility grants, postgraduate funding, Santander, Santander Entrepreneurship Awards, Scholarships|
For a number of years, Santander Universities and Cranfield have had a growing collaboration, which provides support for a range of initiatives, including scholarships, education and research activities, internships and entrepreneurial events and development. If you ...