group projects
How to present well as a group
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2025-03-12T16:21:52+00:0011/03/2025|barrington | group projects | knl | presentation skills | SOMLibrary | study skills|
You will have put a lot of work into your research or project and want to show everyone what you have achieved or discovered, so you need to impart this knowledge as clearly as possible. ...
Working on your poster presentation?
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2025-02-18T14:17:20+00:0003/03/2025|barrington | group projects | knl | poster presentation | SOMLibrary | study skills|
Are you going to be delivering a poster presentation here at Cranfield in the next few weeks? Looking for guidance to help you make it effective and successful? The format is a unique and wonderful ...
Do you know what makes a Technical Report special?
Katie Abranson2025-02-18T14:14:20+00:0024/02/2025|academic writing | barrington | group design project | group projects | knl | SOMLibrary | technical reports|
Writing a technical report is a little different to writing a lab report or an essay for your tutors, requiring a different approach, communication skills and format. What are technical reports? Technical reports are formal, ...
Setting up a shared group folder in a reference manager
Cranfield University2025-02-18T13:09:18+00:0018/02/2025|barrington | bibliography | group projects | knl | mendeley | referencing | SOMLibrary|
Many of our students are now busy working on their group projects. One easy way to share references amongst a group is to set up group folders in a reference manager like Mendeley or Zotero. ...
Working on your group project? We can help!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2025-02-12T15:54:46+00:0012/02/2025|academic writing | barrington | group projects | knl | poster presentation | SOMLibrary | study skills | teamwork|
When undertaking a group project, typically you'll need to investigate a topic, decide on a methodology for your investigation, gather and collate information and data, share your findings with each other, and then formally report ...
Flexible courses required for evolving challenges in water management
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:18:27+01:0006/12/2016|environmental water management | group projects | msc | student | water | water management|
Today’s environmental water managers must have a thorough understanding of a wide range of topics (from hydraulics to policy and ecology to water resources) and an arsenal of analytical tools with which to tackle them. ...