group project
In the tyre tracks of the Edwardian geologists
Stephen Hallett2024-04-16T10:37:20+01:0015/04/2024|group project | msc | soil survey|
In April 1905 a group of amateur geologists loaded their cumbersome bicycles on to a north-bound train at a London rail station and set off for Bedfordshire on a field excursion. In March 2024 a ...
Zhen Sun: Why I chose Cranfield
Poonam Maini2023-11-08T17:02:35+00:0026/09/2023|China | chinese | cybersecurity | engineering | group project | Manufacturing MSc | PhD | Siemens|
After completing an undergraduate degree in Internet of Things Engineering, Zhen Sun was working with Siemens and looking for an area to give his focus to. He seized the opportunity to upgrade his skillset ...
Hubert Ovie Madise: My group design project
Autumn Handscombe2023-05-31T16:22:30+01:0031/05/2023|advanced chemical engineering | energy and sustainability | group project|
'Hubert Ovie Madise, what have you been up to the past ten weeks?' The Cranfield School of Water, Energy and Environment (SWEE) Group Design Project (GDP) module - that's what! The SWEE GDP module ...
My group project: Building a liquid hydrogen propelled civil airliner
Zoe Nimmo2023-05-23T09:41:39+01:0023/05/2023|aerospace vehicle design | group project | SATM | student experience | student journey|
As part of Aerospace Vehicle Design MSc, specifically me studying Avionics System Design, all the students worked on one single project to build a Liquid Hydrogen Propelled Civil Airliner, based on the conceptual design given ...
Our student experience at Cranfield University as husband and wife
Lauren Owers2022-10-03T13:35:42+01:0024/08/2022|advanced mechanical engineering | csa | energy and sustainability | group project | life on campus | living on campus | mechanical engineering | the cranfield scholarship | thesis|
We asked married couple, Sachin and Smaranika about their experience of coming to the UK and studying at Cranfield University as husband and wife… Why did you both choose to come to Cranfield? We are ...
My group project with Industry
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:34:18+01:0023/07/2021|careers | challenges | Environment and Agrifood | environmental management for business | group project | Module|
Hello, my name is Kavya Jayaram from India and I am studying for my Environmental Management for Business MSc. I have recently finished my taught modules in the first term and also my group project, ...