Researching… global macroeconomics
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T11:00:47+00:0003/03/2023|country information | FitchConnect | gme | macroeconomics | mirc | passport | SOMLibrary | statista | ukds | web-mirc-economics|
In the School of Management Library at this time of year we are asked lots of questions on where to start researching a country and its economy. Here are some hints and tips on how ...
Introducing… Bloomberg Trade Flows
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T19:41:29+00:0025/10/2018|Bloomberg | exports | gme | imports | international trade | mirc | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-economics|
Are you interested in world trade flows? Would it be useful to know which nations are your country's major trade partners? If so, the Bloomberg terminal has a rather nifty function where you can view ...