Real-World Readiness in Propulsion Engineering: Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc
Violeta da Rold2024-12-03T10:53:14+00:0003/12/2024|aerospace | aviation | environment | propulsion engineering | thermal power|
In our recent conversation with Dr. Uyioghosa Igie, Programme Director for the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc , we delved into what makes the course an exciting path for students interested in gas ...
Inside the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc with Dr Uyioghosa Igie
Violeta da Rold2024-11-20T17:13:22+00:0020/11/2024|aerospace | aviation | engineering | environment | propulsion|
In our recent conversation with Dr. Uyioghosa Igie, Programme Director for the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc at Cranfield University, we uncovered what makes this course such an exciting and valuable path for ...
Cranfield apprentices named among sustainability’s brightest rising stars
Hayley Rook2024-11-19T14:53:20+00:0012/11/2024|cranfield school of management | environment | master's level apprenticeships | Sustainability MSc | Sustainability MSc Apprenticeship|
Two Cranfield University apprentices have been recognised for their drive, determination and potential to lead the UK towards a more sustainable future. Julia Anukam and Lucie Rowley feature in the prestigious edie 30 Under ...
Celebrating Green Libraries Week
Helen Holmes2024-10-04T16:13:21+01:0007/10/2024|barrington | environment | green | knl | SOMLibrary | sustainability|
Green Libraries Week is an annual event for public and academic libraries in the UK, celebrating our support for climate and sustainability issues. This year it runs from 7-13 October. Here at Cranfield, library staff ...
My journey as a Cranfield Environmental Engineering MSc student
Autumn Handscombe2024-03-19T09:30:41+00:0019/03/2024|environment | environmental engineering | Nigeria|
Excited, surprised, and overjoyed are just a few of the emotions I experienced upon receiving the life-changing news that I had been awarded a fully funded scholarship to study at Cranfield University. It left ...
Free sources of Sustainability and Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) information
Tracey Nunn2024-02-09T16:08:39+00:0002/11/2023|corporate sustainability | data | environment | esg | knl | SOMLibrary|
With Green Week here, we thought it would be a good idea to share some free sources of information on sustainability and the environment. Several Government bodies provide guidance on sustainability: The United Nations has ...