Cranfield Seed Fund recipient, Cosysense, are using AI to solve air conditioning problems and provide a net zero alternative
Sara Gavin2025-03-21T14:41:03+00:0021/03/2025|business growth | Business Support | Cranfeed Seed Fund | entrepreneurship | Green Business | innovation | Seed Fund | sustainable business|
If you’ve ever worked in an office environment you’ve probably been involved in, or overheard, a conversation about the air conditioning. Well, it’s no surprise it’s a common complaint when research shows that up ...
VentureDay: Innovate to Elevate
Sara Gavin2024-07-03T10:51:22+01:0003/07/2024|conference | entrepreneurship | SMEs | Unconference | VentureDay|
Sara Gavin, Marketing Manager at the Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship, Cranfield School of Management, reflects on last week’s entrepreneurship conference, VentureDay. Having recently joined Cranfield University, this was my first VentureDay event. Colleagues had told ...
From Angels and VCs to VCIC
Tammie Argent-Peters2024-03-07T12:40:40+00:0007/03/2024|bettany centre | cranfield bettany centre | cranfield school of management | entrepreneurship | guest speaker series | vcic|
Martin Spiller, Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Cranfield School of Management reflects on attending the Bettany Centre Speaker Series and being part of the North Europe Regional Finals of the Venture Capital Investment Competition (VCIC) ...
Breaking New Ground: Organising Cranfield’s first Hult Prize OnCampus Programme
Clare Hanson2023-09-14T13:03:45+01:0014/09/2023|cranfield school of management | cranfield university | entrepreneurship | management | mba | msc | school of management | student experience | sustainability|
The Hult Prize is a year-long global competition challenging young people to solve the world’s most pressing issues by creating innovative social ventures. This year, the challenge was to create a for-profit social venture in ...
The entrepreneurial mindset: Wild over-optimism and self-delusion
Victoria Reilly2023-09-11T16:16:40+01:0011/09/2023|entrepreneurship | speaker series|
At Cranfield’s entrepreneurship speaker series, a group of students, alumni, local business owners and staff gathered on campus to hear from a Cranfield MBA alumni, former Dragon and Moonpig multi-millionaire founder, Nick Jenkins. Over the ...
How to decide where and when to embark on an MBA Programme
Clare Hanson2023-07-28T10:21:13+01:0025/07/2023|“Cranfield” | cranfield school of management | cranfield university | entrepreneurship | mba | school of management|
Undertaking an MBA during a period of economic uncertainty may seem like a daunting prospect, even though you may completely understand that having an MBA ‘under your belt’ will only enhance your future employability prospects. ...