driver safety
What makes the Accident Investigation course at Cranfield worth attending?
Alice Kirkaldy2021-11-25T12:54:03+00:0019/11/2021|Tags: air transport industry, crash lab, driver safety, safety and accident investigation, short course|
Recently, we have delivered another successful Accident Investigation course at Cranfield University. The Cranfield Safety and Accident Investigation Centre (CSAIC) succeeded in further developing trained investigators to contribute to making the world safer. The course was ...
What would you like to do in an autonomous car?
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:28:33+01:0004/07/2016|Tags: autonomous car, autonomous vehicles, driver safety, driverless car, driving hazards|
The death of a driver in an autonomous car, reported last week, has highlighted the potentially hazardous nature of the interaction between the driver and autonomous vehicle. Researchers at Cranfield University are looking into the safety of ...