First Night of the Executive Study Tour in Bangkok
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:53:46+01:0008/05/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, Bangkok, logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
In the heat, the airplane landed in Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport in the late night. The airport is still full of busy people, just arrived, catching a flight or picking up someone. The hotel is just 10 ...
Day four of the Supply Chain Management MSc study tour to Aarhus, Denmark
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:51:26+01:0030/04/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, aarhus, Denmark, lego, logistics, management, procurement, school of management, study tour, supply chain|
Day 4 of the study tour. With a departure from the hotel at 07:20 – on time and in full – having had breakfast and packed up our bags, you would have expected us to ...
Day three of the Logistics and Supply Chain study tour to Wroclaw, Poland
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:45:33+01:0023/04/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, europe, logistics, master's, msc, poland, school of management, study abroad, study tour, supply chain, wroclaw|
Our hosts Monika, Ola and Anna were complaining that we brought the rainy weather with us from the UK as the last two days were very cloudy and it was raining on and off, but ...
The Purpose of Education
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:33:25+01:0003/04/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, education, finance, investment, life on campus, management, msc, school of management|
"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows" This interesting quote by Sydney J. Harris, a Journalist and Newspaper columnist, dates back to August 1978. To better understand what he meant, one ...
Open Doors Staff Tour: National Flying Laboratory Centre
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:29:06+01:0019/03/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, aerospace, facilities, intranet, NFLC, open doors, staff tour|
As a new starter at Cranfield, I am particularly intrigued by the many different facilities on campus, especially the airport. When I saw The National Flying Laboratory Centre (NFLC) tour advertised on the intranet, I ...
Journey to Cranfield: my first term experience
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:05:36+01:0008/02/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, finance, investment, life on campus, management, msc, school of management|
I arrived at the office on the morning of April 7, 2017 to go about my regular work day. Little did I know of the surprise to come. Finally, the email dropped…the acceptance email from ...