connected resilience
Why we need to tackle climate change and the sixth mass extinction at the same time
Alix Elwin2021-11-28T13:44:32+00:0017/11/2021|Tags: biodiversity loss, connected resilience, COP26, ecological restoration, grand challenges, net zero, Resilience, resilience grand challenge|
COP26 necessarily has a major focus on reducing, eliminating, and sequestering carbon. Less prominent in the headlines is the crisis in biodiversity – the Sixth Great Extinction, with the current rate of species loss ...
Why we need connected resilience
Cranfield University2021-11-28T13:47:04+00:0023/08/2021|Tags: connected resilience, grand challenges, Resilience, resilience grand challenge|
Covid-19 shouldn’t have been a surprise. A global pandemic has been at the top of the list of likely threats, the National Risk Register, for years, and has been in the scientific literature for at ...