Taking part in the Lufthansa Challenge
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:33:06+01:0026/07/2021|challenges | Lufthansa|
Being part of the Lufthansa Challenge is something that can only be described as a phenomenal opportunity! I heard about this competition from my Course Director, Kenisha Garnett. For this competition, it was open for ...
Taking part in the Unilever Challenge
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:34:00+01:0025/07/2021|challenges | environmental management for business|
I first heard about the Unilever Challenge and was able to get involved through Cranfield University. We had a team of five members with everyone being from a different country and course. We divided up ...
My group project with Industry
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:34:18+01:0023/07/2021|careers | challenges | Environment and Agrifood | environmental management for business | group project | Module|
Hello, my name is Kavya Jayaram from India and I am studying for my Environmental Management for Business MSc. I have recently finished my taught modules in the first term and also my group project, ...
Port of Jakarta: a plan to challenge the ports in the South-East Asian region?
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:05:12+01:0013/05/2016|bureaucracy | challenges | investment | port of jakarta | study tour | Tanjung Priok Port|
Today the port of Jakarta, Tanjung Priok, handles a volume of 6,5 million TEUs per annum and is ranked 23rd in the world. Excluding the ports outside of Asia, Priok would be in the 7th ...