Use academic libraries across the UK for free!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-11-25T15:07:54+00:0025/11/2024|Tags: access, barrington, knl, online learning, SOMLibrary|
If you are studying or working away from our two University sites, you may find it more convenient to use a library service nearer to you. The SCONUL Access scheme gives all our staff and students free ...
Collect your reservations 24/7 from the SOM Library locker
Karen Stokes2023-12-01T10:54:53+00:0004/12/2023|Tags: access, books, borrowing, mirc, new students, SOMLibrary|
SOM Library customers, did you know that you can reserve items on Library Search and then pick them up at any time of the day or night from our SOM Library locker using your University ...