Launch of the new University research information system (CRIS)

As you are now hopefully aware, our new Current Research Information System (CRIS) successfully launched as planned on Friday 15 December. From last week, all academic profiles in the system are now syncing on our website as well.
The new system will help ensure our research output is managed, stored, and publicly shared in a timely and organised way and will be a huge improvement on the previous system. Anyone with a profile will have better oversight of all the work they’ve submitted. It will also integrate with our other University systems such as Agresso, support the Excellence in Scholarship programme, and produce better reporting, especially on compliancy.
All academic and research staff, and research students, will have received an email on Monday from Professor Leon Terry, our Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, asking them to take action to ensure their data has transferred accurately to the new system. This includes logging in and checking their profile, and booking a headshot if they don’t already have one. We encourage everyone to follow these instructions carefully and to contact if they have any questions.
Phase 2 – What’s coming next?
This is a great example of collaborative working between Library Services, IT Services, RIO, CEA and the CRIS Stakeholder Group and we are looking forward to sharing the next phase of the project with you. This will include a fresh look and new features for CERES (our open access research repository) including the migration of our research data (CORD) onto the same platform. You can find out more about how this specific phase of the project might affect you by visiting the CERES/CORD project page.
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash
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