Research students
A year at Cranfield
Autumn Handscombe2023-05-09T16:46:06+01:0009/05/2023|Tags: Environment and Agrifood, research|
The start of April 2023 marked a year since I began my PhD in plant molecular biology at Cranfield. My project focuses on bringing academic research into a commercial setting, which, as an applied ...
The journey to publication
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:18:19+01:0012/05/2021|
I’ve recently had my first ever peer-reviewed paper published, and I would like to share my experience. I started writing this critical review paper in March 2020. The paper was based on literature review work ...
Addressing the air pollution challenge in Africa – a cocktail approach
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:29:15+01:0005/03/2021|
Africa is entangled with synchronising challenges which are but not limited to environmental pollution, poor governance, malnutrition, communicable diseases, limited access to clean water, civil war and poor maintenance culture. For the purposes of this ...
Want an update on my PhD all about jellyfish?
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:38:00+01:0004/03/2021|Tags: World Environment Day 2021|
Could you tell me about your PhD? For my PhD I am working with EDF Energy and I'm developing an early warning system using drones/UAVs, to provide early warning for what's called marine Ingress. Marine ...
PhD in flood management using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle images and Artificial Intelligence
Cranfield University2022-01-18T10:39:38+00:0011/01/2021|
I am delighted that I have successfully secured the sponsorship for the PhD (Intelligent Dynamic Flood Response and Recovery Strategy) at Cranfield University. EPSRC, Atkins and Cranfield University together sponsor this PhD programme. The PhD ...
Catching up with Marta
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:25:58+01:0017/12/2020|
Almost Christmas time and the end of the year 2020 is coming…. I think this is a nice time to reflect on the past months. Indeed, I can say that this year has not been ...