School of Management
“The Transformational Power of Food”: Discussing Our Two Favourite Topics – Food & Sustainability
Tammie Argent-Peters2023-11-08T16:51:20+00:0008/11/2023|Tags: cranfield school of management, Food, food sector, school of management, Sustainability MSc, Sustainable foods|
The recent panel discussion organised by Cranfield University’s Sustainability Network unearthed an exploration into how sustainability and net zero is driving innovation in the food sector. Attended by a diverse audience, including students, faculty, local ...
Is Efficiency all that Important?
Tammie Argent-Peters2023-10-11T22:14:21+01:0011/10/2023|Tags: Efficiency, management, performance management|
Everyone talks about efficiency – the efficiency of the NHS, an efficient car manufacturer, the efficiency of an individual. But how important is this really? Why do people tend to talk about efficiency rather than ...
Breaking New Ground: Organising Cranfield’s first Hult Prize OnCampus Programme
Clare Hanson2023-09-14T13:03:45+01:0014/09/2023|Tags: cranfield school of management, cranfield university, entrepreneurship, management, mba, msc, school of management, student experience, sustainability|
The Hult Prize is a year-long global competition challenging young people to solve the world’s most pressing issues by creating innovative social ventures. This year, the challenge was to create a for-profit social venture in ...
Academic spotlight: Meet Lyn Lanka, Course Director of the Senior Leader Apprenticeship: Management and Leadership PgDip+MSc
Tammie Argent-Peters2023-10-05T09:52:01+01:0001/09/2023|Tags: apprenticeship, leadership, management, Senior Leader Apprenticeship|
Can you tell us about your role within Cranfield School of Management? I am the new course director for the Senior Leader Apprenticeship: Management and Leadership PgDip + MSc and a lecturer in Organisational Behaviour ...
Building strong friendships at Cranfield
Tammie Argent-Peters2023-08-16T11:51:04+01:0016/08/2023|Tags: alumni, FollowOurJourney, Friendship, Indian student, International Day of Friendship, logistics and supply chain management, Mexican student, student journey, Student stories|
To celebrate the recent International Day of Friendship (Sunday 30 July 2023), we caught up with current Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc students Claudia and Manu about the special friendship they formed whilst studying ...
A journey of transformation: When hospitality met the MBA’s power
Clare Hanson2023-08-11T10:22:03+01:0011/08/2023|Tags: cranfield mba, cranfield school of management mba, FTMBA, full-time study|
Picture this, a young professional from the hospitality industry embarking on a transformative MBA journey. At first glance, it seems like an unlikely pairing—a world of hospitality merging with the complexities of business. Yet, it ...