School of Management
Business Data Analytics in action: The practice of dynamic pricing
Lina Mitchell2024-02-14T12:06:13+00:0014/02/2024|Tags: Analytics, Business Data, Data Analysis, Dynamic pricing, management|
We are amid a data analytics revolution, where successful business strategy depends on the judicious combination of product/service quality, data analytics and human talent. McKinsey estimates that by 2025, smart workflows and seamless interactions among ...
Leading Through Uncertainty: Ownership and Openness in Organisational Resilience
Hayley Rook2024-02-14T12:03:35+00:0014/02/2024|Tags: business, Business and Management MSc, Business and Management Online, Organisational resilience, organisational strategy|
In the realm of organisational resilience, the human factor plays a pivotal role, one that often remains underappreciated in traditional risk management paradigms. This thought piece critically examines leadership and culture as a cornerstone ...
Why I chose the Sustainability Business Specialist Apprenticeship
Hayley Rook2024-02-08T13:04:31+00:0008/02/2024|Tags: Apprenticeships, national apprenticeship week, Skills for life, Sustainability MSc, Sustainability MSc Apprenticeship|
“Before I came to sustainability, I didn’t consider myself a ‘green’ person,” reflects Cranfield Level 7 Apprenticeship student Nicola Coles. “I thought sustainability was a discipline on its own. “But, since studying for the ...
Using strategic foresight techniques to think about our future food system
Hayley Rook2024-02-05T15:34:56+00:0030/01/2024|Tags: energy and sustainability, Strategic Foresight, Sustainability MSc, Sustainability MSc Apprenticeship|
Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you’re sitting down for dinner in the year 2050. What’s on your plate? Maybe alternative protein is the centrepiece of your meal, whether that’s crickets sprinkled ...
The Journey, an immersive experience in cultural diversity and exploring the corporate world in a diverse setting
Lina Mitchell2023-11-21T12:46:57+00:0021/11/2023|Tags: business, cultural diversity, management, study tour, team work|
As an MSc in Management student, I am privileged to partake in a transformative academic experience, notably the one-month immersion in Spain, a cornerstone of our programme. Beyond the exceptional faculty comprising brilliant minds, the ...
Case study: “Studying for an apprenticeship changed my career path”
Hayley Rook2023-11-16T11:08:12+00:0016/11/2023|Tags: Apprenticeship levy, cranfield school of management, master's level apprenticeships, Senior Leader Apprenticeship+ Marketing and Leadership MSc|
Undertaking a Level 7 apprenticeship at a leading business school is a sure-fire way to enhance your career prospects, whether at your existing company or somewhere new. For Rachel Hinchliffe, Aviva employee of 24 ...