School of Management
LSCM and PSCM get an insight into large-scale warehouse operations
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:03:57+01:0026/01/2018|Tags: cranfield university, House of Fraser, john lewis, MSc Logistics and Supply Chain Management, MSc Procurement and Supply Chain Management, school of management, Travis Perkins, warehouse visit|
The MSc Supply Chain program at Cranfield is loaded with various activities both fun and educational in nature – such as a study tour to Europe, hosting guest speakers from the industry, an unforgettable Christmas ...
My visit to the John Lewis warehouse
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:03:30+01:0022/01/2018|Tags: john lewis, logistics and supply chain, magna park, procurement and supply chain management, warehouse visit|
As a Logistics and Supply Chain MSc student at Cranfield, I recently had the opportunity to visit the John Lewis warehouse at Magna Park, which is a world-famous warehouse. The company has been a game-changer ...
The Cranfield Chronicles, winter edition: runway to Cranfield!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:02:51+01:0022/01/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, campus life, cranfield school of management, management, new students, postgraduate, study routine, varied cohort|
As I travel to Tuscany in Italy, sitting by the window in the train, looking out at the picturesque hills, it seems an ideal time for me to write about all things Cranfield, to appreciate ...
A new perspective on strategy
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:01:47+01:0019/01/2018|Tags: business strategy, centre for business performance, organisational strategy, school of management, strategic plan|
Sharing knowledge Four times a year Cranfield’s Centre for Business Performance (CBP) invites members of its Round Table to meet for a discussion under Chatham House Rules. It’s an opportunity for managers and leaders ...
Doing a PhD: the trials and tribulations…
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:00:37+01:0011/01/2018|Tags: management, PhD, research, school of management|
Well, let’s be honest: if you’d asked me if I was interested in doing a PhD four or more years ago I’d have said, "Don’t be mad!" I definitely told people who asked such questions ...
The ‘seductive’ side of sustainability
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:00:13+01:0011/01/2018|Tags: corporate responsibility, csr, customer, management, sustainability|
Since starting my master's in Corporate Sustainability, many people have asked, what is sustainability? Countless times I’ve heard “oh, that’s needed, but how do you implement it?” At times, it has been a difficult question ...