Finding brokers’ and analysts’ reports
Karen Stokes2024-12-02T19:18:57+00:0019/12/2024|Tags: analysts reports, brokers reports, capitaliq, company financials, financials, industries, m&a, mergers, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-finance|
If you are researching a company’s performance over time or analysing the impact of a corporate transaction, valuable information can be sourced from analysts’ reports. What are analysts' reports and why might I need them? ...
Library services over the Christmas period
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-12-16T08:37:32+00:0016/12/2024|Tags: barrington, christmas, closing, knl, opening times, SOMLibrary|
Kings Norton Library and our School of Management Library will be open 24/7 throughout the holiday period as a study space. Library staff will work until 6pm on Friday 20 December and will resume their normal ...
Where can I find… Company financial ratios?
Tracey Nunn2024-12-19T10:08:58+00:0015/12/2024|Tags: capitaliq, company financials, data, fame, financials, mirc, ratios, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
Financial ratios are often used to measure the performance of a company. These can be found 'ready-made' in several of our finance resources. Company ratios can be categorised into different types: Profitability ratios - e.g. ...
Looking for case studies?
Tracey Nunn2024-12-06T14:46:42+00:0012/12/2024|Tags: abi/inform, case centre, case studies, ebsco, mirc, muscat, proquest, SOMLibrary|
Case studies are used in many business schools to study real-life business and management scenarios. They can be particularly successful in generating discussion and debate around business themes. In the SOM Library, we are often ...
Using the Mendeley Cite Add-in with Word
Penny Robertson2024-12-10T15:43:16+00:0011/12/2024|Tags: barrington, knl, mendeley, mendeley cite add-in, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
You can use the Mendeley Cite Add-in with Word to create in-text references and bibliographies. Finding Mendeley Cite in Word To check that the Mendeley Cite add-in is installed in the version of Word that ...
Preparing for assignments and exams?
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-12-02T13:09:00+00:0010/12/2024|Tags: assessment, barrington, exams, knl, SOMLibrary, study skills|
Sorry! We know it seems a bit mean to mention the exams in January rather than looking forward to the break before it! However, we know many of you will be thinking about your forthcoming ...