New resource: Access government policy documents with Overton
Delphine Olandzobo2023-11-23T13:26:05+00:0023/11/2023|Tags: barrington, grey literature, knl, policy, SOMLibrary|
Following a successful trial earlier this year, Library Services has now set up a subscription to Overton. Overton contains over 7 million policy documents and guidelines from over 31,000 organisations across 180+ countries. The database ...
How do I reference a part of a book such as a chapter… in the NLM style?
Anna Barefoot2023-11-23T12:15:52+00:0022/11/2023|Tags: barrington, books, ebooks, knl, NLM, referencing|
References for parts of books can be more complicated than creating references for whole books. When you use the numbered NLM style, how to format a reference to part of a book, such as a ...
Self-service machine installed at Barrington Library
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2023-11-20T14:34:26+00:0020/11/2023|Tags: barrington, customer service|
We’re delighted to announce that self-service is now available in all our University libraries. The equipment was installed in Barrington Library last week and is now fully operational. You can use your Cranfield ID card or ...
Need to top-up your print card?
Cranfield University2023-11-08T16:17:54+00:0017/11/2023|Tags: IT, knl, new students, printing, safecom, SOMLibrary|
If you are based at the Cranfield site If you find you are running low on print credit, it is quick and easy to top-up your card using the SafeCom service. SafeCom is available 24/7 ...
Getting help with Bloomberg
Karen Stokes2025-01-08T10:56:30+00:0016/11/2023|Tags: Bloomberg, company financials, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
For Bloomberg support, look no further than their Help function. For access, hit the Help (F1) key once on the Bloomberg keyboard. Help is highly customised and should display support tailored to the function you were ...
Library resource trial: Autosport trial
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2023-11-08T16:14:39+00:0013/11/2023|Tags: knl, motorsport, resource trial|
Library Services has organised an online journal subscription to Autosport until 6 December. Autosport covers all forms of motorsport from Formula 1 through to the British club racing scene and MotoGP. You can access all ...