Pandemic PhD to prospects PhD
Autumn Handscombe2023-05-25T14:47:46+01:0025/05/2023|Tags: agrifood, environment, PhD, research|
Hello, my name is Danni and I’m a third-year PhD student in the School of Water, Energy, and Environment specifically within the Soil, Agrifood and Biosciences department. My PhD focuses on how biostimulants (seaweeds, ...
A year at Cranfield
Autumn Handscombe2023-05-09T16:46:06+01:0009/05/2023|Tags: Environment and Agrifood, research|
The start of April 2023 marked a year since I began my PhD in plant molecular biology at Cranfield. My project focuses on bringing academic research into a commercial setting, which, as an applied ...
California to Cranfield
Autumn Handscombe2023-04-20T11:24:09+01:0019/04/2023|Tags: applied bioinformatics, energy and sustainability, SWEE|
Hello, my name is Jason Rogers and I’m earning an MSc in Applied Bioinformatics. I was born and raised in Maryland, USA. I studied biotechnology at RIT in Rochester NY, obtained a PhD in Molecular ...
No Time to Waste: webinar explores food production and security
Kath Middleditch2022-11-01T18:04:34+00:0001/11/2022|Tags: COP27, Food, food waste, supply chain, sustainability|
The majority of the world continues to live in a fantasy of plenty and endless choice when it comes to food supplies. But with 250 million acres of agricultural land expected to be lost ...
My group project and beyond
Lauren Owers2022-08-18T10:20:47+01:0010/08/2022|Tags: agrifood, applied bioinformatics, Bioinformatics|
It has been six months since my first blog post. I was still in the middle of the module phase of my Applied Bioinformatics MSc, yet to know what lay ahead. There was no break ...
The future of soil science – investing in the next generation of soil scientists
Lauren Owers2022-08-18T10:26:26+01:0002/08/2022|Tags: agrifood, environment|
Dr Dan Evans, 75th Anniversary Research Fellow, School of Water Energy and Environment The perceived importance of sustainable soil management has surged in recent years. Soils, and their delivery of critical goods and services, ...