How’s the weather for flying? Open doors staff tour to the FAAM
Denise Bigwood2017-07-20T18:07:58+01:0020/07/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, aerospace, FAAM, facilities, Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements, intranet, open doors, staff tour|
Visiting an airport always gives me a thrill. Today I wasn’t leaving one to fly to sunny shores, instead I found myself at Cranfield Airport’s Hangar 1 with 10 others ready to learn about the ...
The wonder, threat and lure of rocks from outer space…
Joan Pau Sanchez Cuartielles2017-05-15T15:57:38+01:0015/05/2017|Tags: asteroids, astronautics, comets, space, space research|
WONDER Asteroids and comets are said to be leftovers from the formation of the solar system and planets. Each of these worlds offers a unique flavour of our solar system's stages of evolution, from the ...
What happens if you decide to change your course?
Bartlomiej Palus2017-03-17T16:52:16+00:0017/03/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, chemical engineering, double degree, energy, engineering, master's, mechanical engineering, msc, postgraduate|
Hello everyone, I would like to share my story with you. Here it goes… I am studying Advanced Mechanical Engineering in the energy department of Cranfield University. I came here from Silesian University of Technology, from ...
Education as an investment – from Aadyah Aerospace to Cranfield Defence and Security
Stephen Santhosh2017-02-14T15:23:24+00:0014/02/2017|Tags: 2017, aeroindia, aerospace, defence and security, engineering, guided weapons|
I chose Cranfield because it was highly regarded in the organization I was working for - our director of Aerospace was a graduate from Cranfield University, and so were many of my colleagues. Moreover, MSc ...
Design and defence acquisition – the missing piece of the jigsaw
Dr Michael Pryce2017-02-06T17:07:21+00:0006/02/2017|Tags: cranfield defence and security, defence acquisition, Harrier, Ralph Hooper|
Reports in the Sunday Times and other newspapers this weekend have highlighted a number of familiar issues in defence acquisition. Tales of gold plated requirements, service chiefs ‘gaming’ the system to get preferred projects funded, ...
From India to Cranfield to study Aerospace Vehicle Design
Vijay Kothari2017-01-04T16:26:24+00:0004/01/2017|Tags: aerospace, aerospace vehicle design, aircraft vehicle design, avd, study in the uk|
After studying my BE Aeronautical Engineering degree at St Peter’s University in Chennai, India, I joined Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for a month and then GKN Aerospace India in 2014 as an intern, then a graduate ...