Creating a new user account in Mendeley
Before you start using Mendeley reference management software, you will need to create an account. This is a really simple process and should take you no more than a couple of minutes. Just follow the ...
Before you start using Mendeley reference management software, you will need to create an account. This is a really simple process and should take you no more than a couple of minutes. Just follow the ...
If you’re using Mendeley Cite, Mendeley's citation plug-in for Word, you will soon be ready to generate a bibliography of all the references you have cited. Here we’ll run through how quick and easy it ...
Bloomberg users, are you fed up hitting download limits? Do you want to create custom templates that download only the data you want and nothing else? Using many of Bloomberg's download templates often leads to ...
Looking for a quick and easy way of adding documents to your Mendeley library? Wouldn't it be great if you could add PDFs to a folder on your computer and these could be automatically imported ...
Financial ratios are often used to measure the performance of a company. These can be found 'ready-made' in several of our finance resources. Company ratios can be categorised into different types: Profitability ratios - e.g. ...
Case studies are used in many business schools to study real-life business and management scenarios. They can be particularly successful in generating discussion and debate around business themes. In the SOM Library, we are often ...
Students sometimes ask if it is permissible to include non-English language items in their work and references. The answer is yes. You can include sources written in a language other than English provided that they ...
If you need data on IPOs and share issues, our best source would be SDC Platinum via Workspace. SDC contains data going back to the 1960s and is one of the most comprehensive resources covering ...
Researching a company and looking to discover others like it? Perhaps in the same industry, region, or of a similar size? If so, you might want to try the screening function in S&P Capital IQ. ...
Instead of producing a traditional thesis, as covered in our other post, some students in the School of Management - and perhaps some in other Cranfield Schools too - will embark upon on an internship ...