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Homepage / ​Developing the CRIS – now you can do more!

​Developing the CRIS – now you can do more!


Our new CRIS (research information system) was launched in December 2023 and the team have been working hard behind the scenes to make it even better.

We have just introduced three new improvements that we encourage you to explore if you have a profile on the system:

Record the impact of your research – You can record impact stories related to your work. These can be used for your own records, helping to keep track of emerging impact cases and to submit an impact story as part of the Cranfield Research Impact Story Collection.

Add your professional activities – You can collate your academic professional activities on the system to use yourself (for CVs, profiles, promotions) and to provide a single source of information for the University on funding applications, REF and course validations / accreditations).

Display student-supervisor relationships – You can now also opt-in to publicly display your student-supervisor relationship on your external profile.

The links above take you to more information about each new functionality, and you can also find them on the CRIS landing page on the intranet.


Tell us what you think about the new CRIS so far

Finally, we would like to ask anyone who has used the new CRIS to let us know your views on it, and how it compares to the old one. We are keen to gauge how well the new system is meeting your needs and potential areas for further work.

Complete the survey (5 minutes)

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

Written By: Karyn Meaden-Pratt

Karyn is the Library Communications Manager and University Archivist.

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