How do I reference a market or industry report… in the APA7 style?
Karen Stokes2023-10-31T15:09:42+00:0021/04/2022|Tags: APA7, market research, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
Those of you using market and industry research in your assignments will need to know how to correctly reference any reports that you include in your work. To list a report in your references, you ...
Researching… the automotive industry
Karen Stokes2023-06-13T09:57:31+01:0003/08/2020|Tags: automotive, bmi, FitchConnect, industries, market research, mintel, mirc, muscat, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
If you’re researching any aspect of the automotive industry, look no further. In this post we gather together the best of our resources on the topic. Check out the following: FitchConnect Fitch's BMI content includes ...
Researching… the manufacturing industry
Karen Stokes2023-06-13T10:23:59+01:0019/04/2020|Tags: FitchConnect, ibisworld, industries, knl, manufacturing, mirc, muscat, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
If you’re researching any aspect of the manufacturing industry, look no further. In this post we gather together the best of our resources on the topic. IBISWorld IBISWorld provides in-depth analysis across the whole manufacturing ...
You can now analyse consumer spending by income bands in Passport
Helen Beton2023-02-20T20:33:12+00:0017/07/2017|Tags: barrington, knl, mirc, muscat, passport, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
It is now possible to analyse consumer spending by income bands in Passport. You can find the new analysis tool via the ‘Consumers’ – ‘Income and Expenditure’ links on the site. The tool allows you ...
Researching… the travel and tourism industry
Sheila Chudasama2023-06-13T12:08:44+01:0028/06/2017|Tags: bmi, FitchConnect, ibisworld, industries, knl, mirc, muscat, passport, SOMLibrary, tourism, travel, web-mirc-industry|
With summer approaching, what better time is there to research the travel and tourism market! In this post we gather together the best of our resources on the topic. FitchConnect FitchConnect's BMI service includes reports ...
Introducing… Bloomberg Intelligence primers
Tracey Nunn2025-01-08T11:02:55+00:0028/02/2017|Tags: Bloomberg, company information, cranfield school of management, industries, Leadership and Management, mirc, primers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-industry|
Getting high quality research fast can often prove problematic. Bloomberg provides analysis on a wide range of financial topics relating to companies, industries and countries amongst other things. Check out the Bloomberg Intelligence function <BI> ...