water use
How the UK is dealing with the impact of droughts on agriculture
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:26:40+01:0001/07/2016|Tags: agriculture, drought, England, farm land, farming, historic droughts, land, uk, water, water use|
A water crisis is a serious challenge. According to the World Economic Forum, water crises are one of the most important risks facing our globe. Droughts are a natural hazard, but one that causes great ...
Water footprint is the answer: what’s the question?
Cranfield University2021-09-15T09:58:01+01:0007/03/2016|Tags: Dr Tim Hess, natural resources, water, water consumption, water footprint, water footprinting, water resources, water scarcity, water use|
If you ask someone over dinner, “did you know that 7,000 litres of the world’s water have been consumed to bring the beef steak to your plate, but only 42 litres to provide the potatoes?” ...