Day two of the Supply Chain Management MSc study tour to Denmark
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:52:40+01:0030/04/2018|#studytour | #TeamDenmark | Denmark | logistics and supply chain management | LSCM | PSCM|
It's the second day of our exciting study tour to Aarhus, Denmark and the weather is extremely sunny and warm. Our first stop is the global packaging company Amcor. Amcor was founded in the 1860s in Australia and has developed to ...
Days one and two of the Supply Chain Management study tour to Aarhus, Denmark
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:50:21+01:0030/04/2018|#studytour | #TeamDenmark | cranfieldscm | logistics and supply chain management | procurement and supply chain management|
Our Monday morning started very early with our bus due to leave Mitchell Hall at 4am, on time and in full, a theme that would be fully engrained in us (until we lost Steve on ...