How do I reference interviews, surveys and questionnaires… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T20:34:49+00:0003/05/2017|Tags: harvard referencing, interviews, knl, mirc, muscat, qualitative research, questionnaires, referencing, SOMLibrary, surveys, thesis|
Many theses and internship reports will include some primary research, in the form of interviews, surveys or questionnaires. You may have carried these out yourself in the process of your research - or you may ...
New University Referencing Guide!
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T20:35:41+00:0027/03/2017|Tags: harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
The University Library service recently updated its referencing guides. Download the latest author-date guide here and the guide to numbered referencing here. The guide covers how to reference the most common sources you will encounter on your ...
How do I reference a British Standard… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T16:52:32+00:0008/03/2017|Tags: british standards, bsol, harvard referencing, knl, mirc, referencing, SOMLibrary|
For those of you using standards in your work, these have to be cited and referenced just like any other source you use. In this post we'll look briefly at how to do both in ...
How do I reference a blog post… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Sheila Chudasama2024-02-09T16:50:27+00:0022/02/2017|Tags: blog, harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Continuing our series on referencing in the Author-date style, it seems more appropriate than ever to include a post on how to reference a blog post. Although blogs tend to opinion-based, they can provide an ...
How do I reference… a webpage in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T16:49:00+00:0002/02/2017|Tags: harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary, webpages|
Another really common referencing question. It's on the internet so I don't need to cite it, do I? Yes, of course you do. If it's not yours, stay safe and cite it. References: We'll look ...
How do I reference multiple items by the same author… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T16:46:26+00:0007/12/2016|Tags: harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
In research you will often come across an author or partnership of authors who write regularly on a topic. If they are particularly prolific, you may even find they have published multiple pieces of work in the ...