How do I reference Facebook and Twitter… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Sheila Chudasama2024-02-09T16:34:39+00:0007/01/2016|Tags: facebook, harvard referencing, mirc, muscat, referencing, social media, SOMLibrary, twitter|
When referring to social media in your assignment, you’ll need to remember to provide a citation and reference, just like you would for anything that isn’t your own work or idea. Here we’ll explain how ...
How do I reference a case study… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Sheila Chudasama2024-02-09T16:32:46+00:0009/11/2015|Tags: case studies, cases, harvard referencing, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
If you have read our previous post Looking for case studies?, you’ll have discovered some of the best MIRC resources for finding case studies on a topic or company. Now that you know the top ...
How do I reference a YouTube video… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Sheila Chudasama2024-02-09T16:32:15+00:0023/10/2015|Tags: harvard referencing, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary, videos, youtube|
Did you know that the Cranfield School of Management has its own YouTube channel? We were recently asked how to cite one of these videos in an assignment. Maybe you’ve found other YouTube videos that ...
How do I reference my lecture notes… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Sheila Chudasama2024-02-09T16:30:04+00:0007/08/2015|Tags: harvard referencing, lecture notes, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
If you’re thinking of referring to your lecture notes in one of your assignments, you’ll need to know how to reference them. As with everything you use, it is necessary to acknowledge and give credit to ...
How do I reference a book chapter… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T16:28:05+00:0006/07/2015|Tags: books, harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Many of you might be wondering what the point is to this post. After all, a book’s a book, isn’t it? A chapter is just part of a book, so you just reference the book, ...
How do I reference a thesis… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T16:26:52+00:0003/06/2015|Tags: harvard referencing, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary, theses|
Because theses are not published in the traditional manner, if you’re using them in your research, you will need to identify them as such in your references. This means that a thesis reference looks slightly ...