Soil awareness – making an impression
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:54:34+01:0026/07/2016|Tags: environment agency, erosion, farming, filtration, horticulture, irrigation, potato, rainfall, soil, soil awareness, tillage|
I recently attended a Soil Awareness course hosted by the Environment Agency (EA). The course was set up to offer those who had been in breach of regulations an opportunity to retrain instead of receive ...
Flooding in the Aire: why we can reduce floods in the UK
Kim Vercruysse2016-01-19T10:08:25+00:0019/01/2016|Tags: aire, dredging, flood alleviation, flooding, leeds, rainfall, river aire, rivers, sediment|
As a researcher looking at sediment transport and storage in the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme, I need rain. Rain causes surface runoff and runoff causes erosion, which eventually results in sediment transported towards and within the river. When I ...