opening hours
Bank holiday hours for Library Services: Monday 26 August
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-08-19T11:55:57+01:0019/08/2024|bank holiday | barrington | knl | opening hours | SOMLibrary|
Library Services staff will be taking a break on Monday 26 August for the bank holiday. You will still be able to access all the resources and help you need via our library website. The 24/7 ...
Bank holiday hours for Library Services: Monday 27 May
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-05-21T11:33:21+01:0022/05/2024|bank holiday | barrington | knl | opening hours | SOMLibrary|
Library Services staff will be taking a break on Monday 27 May for the early May bank holiday. You will still be able to access all the resources and help you need via our library website. ...
Bank holiday hours for Library Services: Monday 6 May
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-04-30T16:58:39+01:0030/04/2024|barrington | knl | opening hours | SOMLibrary|
Library Services staff will be taking a break on Monday 6 May for the early May bank holiday. You will still be able to access all the resources and help you need via our library ...
Changes to Library Services over Easter, 29 March – 1 April
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-03-25T12:27:41+00:0025/03/2024|barrington | easter | knl | opening hours | SOMLibrary|
Libraries on the Cranfield site Both Kings Norton Library and the School of Management Library (Building 111, first floor) will be open 24/7 over the Easter weekend. You will be able to use the study ...