You can now analyse consumer spending by income bands in Passport
Helen Beton2023-02-20T20:33:12+00:0017/07/2017|Tags: barrington, knl, mirc, muscat, passport, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
It is now possible to analyse consumer spending by income bands in Passport. You can find the new analysis tool via the ‘Consumers’ – ‘Income and Expenditure’ links on the site. The tool allows you ...
Researching… the travel and tourism industry
Sheila Chudasama2023-06-13T12:08:44+01:0028/06/2017|Tags: bmi, FitchConnect, ibisworld, industries, knl, mirc, muscat, passport, SOMLibrary, tourism, travel, web-mirc-industry|
With summer approaching, what better time is there to research the travel and tourism market! In this post we gather together the best of our resources on the topic. FitchConnect FitchConnect's BMI service includes reports ...
Using ‘et al’ in Cranfield Author-date style referencing
Sheila Chudasama2023-02-20T20:33:57+00:0030/05/2017|Tags: et al, harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Academic writing is full of idiosyncrasies, one of which being the Latin abbreviation ‘et al’. The term et al means ‘and others’ and is often used in academic literature to abbreviate a list of authors' ...
How do I reference financial reports and data… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Sheila Chudasama2023-02-20T20:34:12+00:0023/05/2017|Tags: data, financials, harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
We all know how to cite and reference from books, journals, the internet and even blog posts, but what about financials? Just as you would do with information from other sources, data retrieved from a ...
How do I reference interviews, surveys and questionnaires… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T20:34:49+00:0003/05/2017|Tags: harvard referencing, interviews, knl, mirc, muscat, qualitative research, questionnaires, referencing, SOMLibrary, surveys, thesis|
Many theses and internship reports will include some primary research, in the form of interviews, surveys or questionnaires. You may have carried these out yourself in the process of your research - or you may ...
New University Referencing Guide!
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T20:35:41+00:0027/03/2017|Tags: harvard referencing, knl, mirc, muscat, referencing, SOMLibrary|
The University Library service recently updated its referencing guides. Download the latest author-date guide here and the guide to numbered referencing here. The guide covers how to reference the most common sources you will encounter on your ...