Creating a bibliography is easy in Mendeley
Tracey Nunn2025-02-27T12:18:32+00:0004/03/2025|bibliography | knl | mendeley | mirc | muscat | referencing | SOMLibrary|
If you’re using Mendeley Cite, Mendeley's citation plug-in for Word, you will soon be ready to generate a bibliography of all the references you have cited. Here we’ll run through how quick and easy it ...
Finding company profiles and SWOT analyses
Angela Sparks2025-02-12T11:38:46+00:0013/02/2025|company information | dmda | ebsco | ecbs | factiva | interviews | knl | mirc | muscat | passport | proquest | SOMLibrary | swot | web-mirc-company|
If you are researching a company for a project or job interview, a company profile will be really helpful, as will a SWOT analysis. A profile will give you the basic information you need about ...
Installing the Mendeley Citation Add-in for Word
Penny Robertson2025-01-13T11:14:29+00:0013/01/2025|cite-o-matic | knl | mendeley | mirc | muscat | referencing | SOMLibrary|
As well as being a useful tool for storing and managing references, Mendeley integrates with MS Word enabling you to create in-text references and bibliographies. This is possible for many different referencing styles, including the ...
Looking for case studies?
Tracey Nunn2024-12-06T14:46:42+00:0012/12/2024|abi/inform | case centre | case studies | ebsco | mirc | muscat | proquest | SOMLibrary|
Case studies are used in many business schools to study real-life business and management scenarios. They can be particularly successful in generating discussion and debate around business themes. In the SOM Library, we are often ...
Finding full-text Economist articles…
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T18:44:03+00:0025/01/2023|abi/inform | economist | ejournals | knl | mirc | muscat | proquest | SOMLibrary | web-mirc-articles|
If you’re looking for The Economist, the place to go is ProQuest One Business. Follow these step-by-step instructions to get full-text access. Login here and click on the Publications option at the top, above the ...
Researching… the defence industry?
Karen Stokes2023-06-07T11:18:20+01:0007/11/2022|defence | FitchConnect | ibisworld | military | mirc | muscat | SOMLibrary | t&f | web-mirc-industry|
Defence industry information can be quite difficult to find so we wanted to highlight some useful sources for those of you doing research in the area. FitchConnect contains country-by-country reports on Crime, defence and security. ...