Researching… the alcohol market
Karen Stokes2023-06-13T12:43:42+01:0022/12/2016|Tags: alcohol, bmi, FitchConnect, ibisworld, knl, market research, mintel, mirc, muscat, passport, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
Coming up to the festive season, what better time is there to research the alcohol market!? So which of our library resources would be the best places to look? Mintel This would be our first ...
Researching… the food and drink industry
Sheila Chudasama2024-02-09T16:41:36+00:0006/09/2016|Tags: FitchConnect, ibisworld, market research, mintel, mirc, muscat, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-industry|
Have you been tasked to research the food and drink industry? Are you looking to find out the market share of the confectionery market, or the top players in the soft drinks market? If so, ...