Finding company profiles and SWOT analyses
Angela Sparks2025-02-12T11:38:46+00:0013/02/2025|Tags: company information, dmda, ebsco, ecbs, factiva, interviews, knl, mirc, muscat, passport, proquest, SOMLibrary, swot, web-mirc-company|
If you are researching a company for a project or job interview, a company profile will be really helpful, as will a SWOT analysis. A profile will give you the basic information you need about ...
How do I reference interviews, surveys and questionnaires… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Karen Stokes2023-02-20T20:34:49+00:0003/05/2017|Tags: harvard referencing, interviews, knl, mirc, muscat, qualitative research, questionnaires, referencing, SOMLibrary, surveys, thesis|
Many theses and internship reports will include some primary research, in the form of interviews, surveys or questionnaires. You may have carried these out yourself in the process of your research - or you may ...
Interview with Lord Kings Norton Medal winner 2016 – Thomas Kissinger, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:32:48+01:0006/07/2016|Tags: engineering, graduation, Interferometric Signal Processing, interviews, optical metrology, students|
Thomas Kissinger, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cranfield University Interferometric Signal Processing PhD, 2015 About you What were you doing before you started your course at Cranfield? I worked in the optical metrology industry for two to three ...
Interview with Vice-Chancellor’s prize winner – Emma Saunders, Forensic Anthropology PhD
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:31:09+01:0006/07/2016|Tags: forensic anthropology, graduation, interviews, students|
Emma Saunders, Forensic Anthropology PhD, Cranfield University Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology MSc, 2015 About you What were you doing before you started your course at Cranfield? I did an undergraduate degree in medical sciences and ...