design research
My journey through C4D
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:09:40+01:0029/04/2019|Tags: c4d, centre for competitive creative design, Design Centre, design research, design thinking|
After just over two years at Cranfield University it’s time for me to follow ventures anew, however I would like to share my experience during my time. After spending eight years working as a design ...
Designing immortal products at C4D!
Cranfield University2024-11-29T16:52:58+00:0031/01/2019|Tags: c4d, circular economy, design, design research, design thinking, manufacturing, Self-healing materials, sustainability|
When I first heard the term ‘self-healing products and materials’, I thought it sounded like science fiction! However, I was soon to discover that there were many scientists and researchers around the globe working ...