case studies
Looking for case studies?
Tracey Nunn2024-12-06T14:46:42+00:0012/12/2024|abi/inform | case centre | case studies | ebsco | mirc | muscat | proquest | SOMLibrary|
Case studies are used in many business schools to study real-life business and management scenarios. They can be particularly successful in generating discussion and debate around business themes. In the SOM Library, we are often ...
How do I reference a case study… in the Cranfield Author-date style?
Sheila Chudasama2024-02-09T16:32:46+00:0009/11/2015|case studies | cases | harvard referencing | mirc | muscat | referencing | SOMLibrary|
If you have read our previous post Looking for case studies?, you’ll have discovered some of the best MIRC resources for finding case studies on a topic or company. Now that you know the top ...