Shaping the future of aviation: The NAC Women in Aviation Scholarship and me
Alice Kirkaldy2025-01-06T12:30:07+00:0006/01/2025|air transport management | aviation | women in aviation|
Aviation has always been more than just a career choice for me – it’s a passion that began in my childhood and has only grown stronger over the years. Raised in ...
The successful scaling of SAF production depends on a skilled workforce
Kath Middleditch2025-01-06T12:15:35+00:0006/01/2025|aviation | SAF | skills | Sustainable Aviation Fuel|
In a two-year project called Waypoint 2050, the aviation sector outlined several potential pathways to reach its 2050 goal and how, with the right support from governments, net-zero emissions could potentially be achievable a ...
Real-World Readiness in Propulsion Engineering: Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc
Violeta da Rold2024-12-03T10:53:14+00:0003/12/2024|aerospace | aviation | environment | propulsion engineering | thermal power|
In our recent conversation with Dr. Uyioghosa Igie, Programme Director for the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc , we delved into what makes the course an exciting path for students interested in gas ...
Inside the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc with Dr Uyioghosa Igie
Violeta da Rold2024-11-20T17:13:22+00:0020/11/2024|aerospace | aviation | engineering | environment | propulsion|
In our recent conversation with Dr. Uyioghosa Igie, Programme Director for the Thermal Power and Propulsion MSc at Cranfield University, we uncovered what makes this course such an exciting and valuable path for ...
A Global Perspective: My Cranfield experience in air transport management
Poonam Maini2024-11-12T09:50:00+00:0011/11/2024|air transport management | aviation | india|
Hello, I’m Sudheshna Satya Prakash, an Indian student studying an MSc in Air Transport Management. After meeting Dame Karen Holford, the Chief Executive and Vice-Chancellor of Cranfield in India, my family ...
My exciting journey as a Commonwealth Scholar at Cranfield University
Alice Kirkaldy2024-10-14T16:41:27+01:0011/10/2024|aviation | Commonwealth Scholarship | international student in uk | postgraduate funding | Safety and Human Factors in Aviation MSc|
My journey to becoming an student on Safety and Human Factors in Aviation MSc at Cranfield University has been mostly an enriching and fulfilling one, with only a few hiccups! I had an ...